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Connecting to Public Sewer

Connecting Your Neighborhood & NIDs

If your home and your neighbor’s homes are all connected to a common treatment facility such as a neighborhood lagoon and you and your neighbors need assistance with managing the system, the District may be able to help.

Connecting Existing Home or Business

If you are experiencing a problem with your septic system or private lagoon, your property may be situated in an area where it’s feasible to connect to public sewer. 

Connecting a New Development

If you are interested in developing a piece of property in unincorporated Boone County, you will need to meet with the Sewer District to discuss how to provide sanitary sewer service to the homes or businesses. 

Connecting Your Neighborhood

The process for transferring ownership, operations and maintenance to the Sewer District is as follows:

  1. Concept Review – Representatives of the neighborhood meet with District personnel to discuss transfer of ownership of the private system to the Sewer District.
  2. Inspection of private treatment and collection system – District personnel evaluate the system. The District will not accept a system that does not meet its standards.
  3. Review of Inspection Report – The District shares results of inspection shared with owners.
  4. Completion of Improvements – If needed, owners complete the improvements documented in the inspection report at their own expense. If the costs are substantial, the County Commission may form a Neighborhood Improvement District (NID) to finance the design and construction costs of the improvements.
  5. Connection and Inspection Fees – The owners will need to pay connection and inspection fees.
  6. Transfer of Sewer Easements – All easements to the collection system must be transferred to the Sewer District to allow access for operations and maintenance.
  7. Transfer of Ownership – Once improvements are complete and the project is inspected and accepted, the neighborhood transfers real estate ownership to the Sewer District by way of a Warranty Deed and other property by Bill of Sale.
  8. Transfer of O and M – Sewer District takes over operations and maintenance of the system.
  9. Initiate Monthly Sewer Service Bill – Property owners receive a monthly sewer service bill.

Often the cost to make the transition from private to public seems to be more than you think you can manage, but there is a program that offers affordable funding. The Neighborhood Improvement District (NID) program makes it financially feasible for individual homeowners and their neighbors to install a public sanitary sewer system. The neighborhood borrows the cost of the sewer system from the County. Residents pay back their share of the cost over a twenty-year period at a low interest rate. Once construction is complete, the District will take over the operation and maintenance of the system and the residents will become District customers.

How to Form a NID – An explanation of how to form a NID is available on the Boone County website at the link below. In the case of sanitary sewer NIDs, District personnel will be the NID coordinator and can provide the application to form a NID to interested property owners and submit the completed application to the Boone County Commission.

Once the NID is complete, the residents who benefit may pay off their share of the costs in one lump sum or over twenty years in annual payments to the Boone County Collector.

Connecting an Existing Home or Business

There are costs associated with connecting to public sewer:

  • The property owner will need to hire an engineer to design the connection.
  • The cost of constructing the lines to connect your property to the public system is the owner’s responsibility.
  • The owner must pay Sewer District connection and inspection fees.
  • There will be a monthly sewer service bill.

However, once his/her property is connected, the homeowner will never have to face the expense of improvements to an on-site treatment system.

Connecting a New Development

If you are interested in developing a piece of property in unincorporated Boone County, you need to meet with the Sewer District to discuss how to provide sanitary sewer service to the homes or businesses. The following describes the process from the perspective of: Questions on any connection information below? 

When designing sanitary sewer infrastructure that will become part of the Sewer District’s system, please follow the City of Columbia’s Sanitary Sewer Specifications and Standards (link to the right). The District Board felt it made sense to standardize the sewer utility in Boone County by adopting the City of Columbia’s Sanitary Sewer Specifications. Also many areas of the District system are interconnected to the City of Columbia, so it made sense to follow the same specifications.

If you are designing a Septic Tank Effluent Pump (STEP) system, please download info in links to the right. 

Please review the process noted above for the developer of a new development. Some of the steps are pertinent to the Engineer.

So you are building a home in a neighborhood that is part of the Boone County Regional Sewer District. Early in the process, we recommend that you stop by the Sewer District to fill out the Application for Service. At that time, we can determine what kind of system serves the neighborhood and identify the inspection and connection fee. Most of the District’s system is a conventional gravity system but many of the new neighborhoods are served by pressurized systems.

The inspection fee for a connection to a Gravity System is different from the fee for Pressurized Systems since inspecting a gravity connection usually only requires one trip whereas there are four inspections of a pressurized system. The connection fee is the same for all new connections; however, the fee has been waived in subdivisions where the developer paid for the cost of providing wastewater treatment.

Contact us to find out what type of system serves the subdivision in which you are building and the current connection fee and inspection fee.

If you are building a home in a neighborhood that utilizes a STEP system, download specs & contact us with questions or more information.